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Journal #1 6-7-16
So today it looks like I'm not going to be doing anything. I feel like crap. I'm down with another headache and if I try to walk I get dizzy. I
would've still been sleeping if my puppy wouldn't have been barking. I'm still exhausted, probably because of the headache, and I need to sleep but I'll probably get yelled at. My Excedrin didn't work so I guess I'll have to try Ibuprofen. All I've really done since yesterday is read a book (all in one day) because what else can I do? I mean I hope it goes away by six tonight because I've got a VBS to work at. At least there hasn't been any fights lately, right? I haven't eaten lunch because I completely skipped it (I slept through it) and I don't feel like making anything either. I can't skip dinner though or I might get worse. I'm not too good at journals so just bear with me. Umm I guess I'lll do a second update later if I do anything (I probably won't). See y'all later.
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"