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1. Adventure Balloon
2. Amethyst Wizard Fire
3. April Showers
4. Arctic Snow
5. Astral
6. Autumn Leaves
7. Avalanche
8. Bat Swarm
9. Black Pumpkin
10. Black Swan
11. Blizzard
12. Blue Pumpkin
13. Bluster
14. Boo Ghosts
15. Bubbles
16. Candy Corn
17. Candy Ribbon
18. Candynado
19. Carnival Lights
20. Cartwheel
21. Cats Meow
22. Cherry Blossoms
23. Christmas Tree
24. Clovers
25. Color Burst
26. Confetti
27. Crossword Puzzle
28. Dragon Spirits
29. Ectoplasm
30. Egg Palooza
31. Eggfetti
32. Emerald Wizard Fire
33. Entomb
34. Ethereal Ghosts
35. Ethereal Pumpkin
36. Fairy Flutter
37. Fantasy Glitter
38. Farm Hen
39. Film Reel
40. Fire Emplexis
41. Fire Wings
42. Fireballs
43. Fireworks
44. Flower Shower
45. Flying Machine
46. Focus
47. Foodfetti
48. Freeze
49. Frog
50. Frozen Labyrinth
51. Ghost Pumpkin
52. Ghosted
53. Gingerbread Mood
54. Glisten
55. Glitter Presents
56. Glitter Rain
57. Gnomkins
58. Golden Glitter
59. Green Pumpkin
60. Gust Ghost
61. Haunted Pumpkin
62. Heart Beat
63. Heart Throb
64. Heat Wave
65. Howdy Hay
66. Icicle Storm
67. Interference
68. Ionize
69. Jet Pack
70. Kaleido
71. Leafcognito
72. Levitation
73. Light Ribon
74. Love Potion - Blue
75. Love Potion - Pink
76. Love Struck
77. Love Struck - Blue
78. Luck of the Irish
79. LuxAura
80. Magic Pumpkin
81. Magic Runes
82. Mandala
83. Meltdown
84. Meteor Shower
85. MidSummer Night
86. Midsummer Night's Spotlight MoonSparkle
87. Monkey Hoard
88. Moon Stone Wizard Fire
89. North Pole
90. Northern Lights
91. Ocean Mist
92. Ooze
93. Party-Glyphics
94. Patriotic Fireworks
95. Penguin
96. Phantom
97. Piki-Tiki-Hut
98. Plasma Fireworks
99. Precession
100. Present Palooza
101. Pulse
102. Pumpkin
103. Pumpkin Palooza
104. Rabbit
105. Raccoon
106. Radiation
107. Radioactive
108. Range Weed
109. Red Pumpkin
110. Retroize
111. Rose Shower - Blue
112. Rose Shower - Pink
113. Ruby Wizard Fire
114. Sand Man
115. Sapphire Wizard Fire
116. Scoop
117. Scream
118. Season's Greetings
119. Shark Bait
120. Shark Shadow
121. Shock
122. Shooting Stars
123. Shooting Stars - Gold
124. Silver Lining
125. Skull Fire
126. Sky Candy
127. Sniki Tiki
128. Snow Cover
129. Snow Storm
130. Snowflakes
131. Snowmood
132. Sparkle
133. Sparkler
134. Sparktastic
135. Specter
136. Splatter
137. Spooky Eyes
138. Spooky Scary Skeleton
139. Star of Bethlehem
140. Star Pals
141. Starfetti
142. Startastic Gold
143. Startastic Midnight
144. Startastic Silver
145. Static
146. Static Gold
147. Steam Powered Robot
148. Strike
149. Teal Pumpkin
150. Thunder Storm
151. Tiki Fire
152. Toxic Emplexis
153. Toxic Rain
154. Twinkle
155. Twist And Shout
156. Under the Sea
157. UnderCover
158. Water Vortex
159. Waterfall
160. Whirlwind
161. White Pumpkin
162. White Swan
163. Witch Candy Corn
164. Wraith
165. Wrapped
166. Yeti
167. Zap!
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

Made by @bluewiz

ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3