Sleuthing Team!
The Official Discussion page for the 'Miss Clue Sleuthing Team'!
Current members:
Just joined @I.Am.Chalk Official Trade Expert!
@CandyCars - Official Journalist!
@Super_Princess_Rosalina - Official Game Starter with Tips and Hints!
@Super_Princess_Rosalina - Official Game Starter with Tips and Hints!
@TacoCat - Official Artist!
@PinkyB - Official Fanatic Writer!
@Skylamb - Official welcomer
@MistyMew - Official Helper
@Fowzy - Tech/Adviser/Helper
DazzleDream - Manager
We are currently accepting new members!
If you wish to join just contact me, on this thread, or messages, or anywhere, with What you would like to join as, or if you have something you are good at, let me know and I will see if we can find a position for you! Also, there can be more than one of something Example: Official helper!
Well Sleuthing Team WE ARE GO!
Positions looking to be filled
Official Poll Creator
Official Helper
Official Organizer
Official fashion Star
Official Walkthrough writer
Official Puzzle Solver
Official Stations and their duties:
Official Trade Expert
Duties: Keeping track of the current value of items, maintaining a value thread off and on, and also to help those who need a Value Experts opinion!
Official fashion Star
Duties: Posting pictures of outfits that match, tips of what does and doesn't go together. Modeling the newest outfits when they come out so everyone can see them, and also posting crafting tips like what dye combinations result in what color. For the last duty I can send you the combination with pictures of the out come and you could post them, or if you like you can do them!
Official Journalist
Duties: He will be keeping an eye on the message boards and once a week putting together the happenings on it. Sort of like a weekly recap for the message boards!
Official Game Starter with Tips and Hints!
Duties: will host fun games on the boards for people to play and also at time post helpful hints and tips!
Official Helper!
Duties: Helping people stuck on their most recent chapter
Being prompt in replies to helps and needs of the message board JAMmers (Jane Austen Mystery ers)
Gathering pictures to help them through chapters (if needed)
And generally being helpful
Official Organizer!
Duties: Hosting contests, like guessing something coming up in the next miss clue and then, If that person gets it right when the chapter comes out they are announced the winner
Hosting mini events like Tuesday is lunch day, share what you had to eat
And so on
Official Artist!
Duties: creating art that would be useful for profile pictures, signatures and so on. the pictures would be posted on the Sleuthing Team thread or on an official Sleuthing team art discussion
Official Fanatic Writer!
Duties: Write the fanatic parts
Write news of Miss clue, What happened in the latest chapter, and general news that you think would fit.
Official welcomer
Duties: welcoming all new message board members, making sure if they have any questions they are directed to the right place, showing them the ropes for general Message board abilities
Official Poll Creator
Once a week gather all the results from your polls that you ran that week, and put up on a thread saying what opinions are trending!
This would most likely happen on Sunday, but which ever day would work best for you, will be the Official Poll Result Day
Official Walkthrough writer
Duties: To write a full and complete walkthrough for each of the Miss Clue Mysteries.
Official Puzzle solver
Duties: To write and post the solutions to individual puzzles for other member to quickly fine and read without going through an entire walkthrough.
Motto: You can't stop the Sleuthers...
No Puzzle can't be solved!
Sleuthing team colors:
and this:
pink, black and white for our official colors and then the purple gold and red for back up colors.
One team could be the colors pink black and white and the other team could be purple gold and red! (this would only be if we had a sluething event with two teams!
Inactive/Retired Members
@iMinute - Official Poll Creator (watch for reviews of weekly polls on Sunday)
@HoneyLemon - Official Helper!
@chubbysnowman - Official Organizer!
@SportyChic - Official fashion Star!

"So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
"So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"
"So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
@Super_Princess_Rosalina! She will be our Official Game Starter with Tips and Hints!
She will host fun games on the boards for people to play and also at time post helpful hints and tips!
Welcome to the team @Super_Princess_Rosalina!!!
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥