Okay, well I am having trouble with my older brother. He used to do a lot of stuff with me and my sister but now he doesn't really. Is there something I could do to make him want to do stuff again?
@goldenpuppy if your brother is older, people usually want to start acting like they are older. (driving, dating, etc) and school gets a lot more stressful.
Try talking to him maybe:)
thank you prettyredstone for the amazing artwork <3 <3
Thanks for all the advise @cookieswerehere and @Renesmee! I'll try those things, although he doesn't really want to talk about it much with me since I am his little sister.
I was thinking of asking my Dad to talk with him, because he does seem a little stressed and dad would probably understand since he was a boy once. What do you guys think?
Wow an Advice discussion! Alright so here goes... How often should I wash my hair? I'm really torn because some of my friends tell me to wash my hair every day, some say to wash it every three days... Ive got a guy friend that washes his hair in the morning and at night, crazy huh?
But what should I do for my own hair? Ive gone a week before without washing my hair... never really worked out too well, three days is a little long, one day is a little too often, but then again, what would be best?
I'm a mess! pls help ASAP!!
a plate