Items in Gargantuan Garden - Room Glitch - VFK_NITRO Needed

Dev needed

I noticed the Gargantuan Garden guest room has a glitch.  IT seems to be any furniture other than gardening planters disappears once you leave the room.  

I noticed this a week ago with my orange tree garden, my write able board disappears when I exit the room.  It's still in the room, but invisible.  I am able to locate it by clicking "list items" in the i button & selecting it, but it is invisible.

I thought it was just a glitch with that item, but now today I made 2 more gardens in the gargantuan garden guest rooms & I placed flower teleporters to connect the 3 rooms together.  

When I left the rooms and came back, the flower teleporters are also invisible. 

Could the gargantuan garden rooms be fixed to display all items/ not have items in the room go invisible?

Thank you


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