Zanze's Nitpicking (w/ love) - Last Updated: (11-13-2024)
A list I've complied of items that have image, icon, name issues, etc. I'll update the list as item issues are fixed and found.

The Club VFK Scooters are named within the search inventory window as Scooter - Lime / Emerald / Yellow, but are named only Scooter and stack within the inventory.

The following medals don't sit properly when facing forward:
Unsure about other colors or girl equivalent:
Gold Medal - Ghostastic Ride Competition 2022 - Boy

Gold Medal - Gingerbread Room Competition 2022 - Boy

Gold Medal - Gingerbread Room Competition 2023 - Boy

The following items' image don't load within the inventory:
Club VFK - Glasses - Neon
Dozer Summoning Amulet
Hearse Summoning Amulet
Junkyard - Holdable Wrench
Junkyard - Trash Bag
Lakeside - Holdable Oars
Lakeside - Holdable Fish
V.I.P. Holdable Kite - July - Ruby
V.I.P. Kite Hat - July - Ruby
V.I.P. UFO Pin - December - Turquoise
The following items' preview image don't load:
Unsure regarding the girl equivalent of items listed below:
Club VFK - Sparkling Grape Juice
Beta Day 1 - 16th Anniversary Cape
Beta Day 1 - 16th Anniversary Hat
Beta Day 1 - 16th Anniversary Scarf
Beta Day 1 - 16th Anniversary Scarf
Blue Frost Initiate Wizard Cape - Boy
Blue Frost Initiate Wizard Robe - Boy
Buzz Cut Hair - Blond
Buzz Cut Hair - Black
Buzz Cut Hair - Blue
Cave Man Club - Boy
Cave Man Torch
Club VFK Lava Light Pin
Club VFK Lava Light Pin
Flat Top (all 12 boy hairs)
Ghostastic Ride Competition 2022 Shirt - Boy
Ghostastic Ride Competition 2022 Participation Shirt - Boy
Gold Medal - Ghostastic Ride Competition 2022 - Boy
Junkyard - Holdable Wrench
Light Wizard Hat - Boy
Neat Hair (all 12 boy hairs)
Space Building Blitz Participation Shirt - Boy
Space Building Blitz Shirt - Boy
Sporty Hair (all 12 boy hairs)
Swept Hair - Blue
Swept Hair - Red
Ultimate Lamby Awards 2024 - Mustache - Boy
V.I.P. Holdable Kite - July - Ruby
V.I.P. Kite Hat - July - Ruby
V.I.P. Lava Light Scepter - April - Diamond
V.I.P. Lava Light Scepter - March - Aquamarine
Wizard Apprentice Hat - Boy
Wizard Apprentice Robe - Boy
Wizard Fire Glove - Boy
Fairy Mushroom Dale

The following items' names contain words/characters we are unable to say:
Unable to say the word Wasteland as in the new guest room Desolate Alien Wasteland
Unable to say the word Lakeside as in the new guest room Lakeside Bedroom
Unable to say the word Lakeside as in the new guest room Lakeside Bedroom
Gnomkins (Enchantment: Gnomkins)
Ramanji (Movie Poster - Ramanji)
Subterranean (Reanimated Subterranean Zombie - Active Object - Antique)
Ouija (Ouija Table - Antique & Ouija Chair - Antique)
B (Commerical Establishment - Plan B)
Peeping (Peeping Raccoon Easter Sign)
3000 (Lawn Master 3000 - Green/Orange)
Conch (Queen Conch Shell Chair)
Andy (Raggedy Andy Scarecrow on Hay Bale)
Ann (Raggedy Ann Scarecrow on Hay Bale)
Lying (Plush Arctic Giraffe 2011 - Baby - Lying Down)
Ball (Beach Ball Rug/Beach Ball Umbrella/Etc...)
Ball (Beach Ball Rug/Beach Ball Umbrella/Etc...)
Wiseman (Christmas Neon Wiseman - Frankincense/Gold/Myrrh)
Frankincense (Christmas Neon Wiseman - Frankincense)
Myrrh (Christmas Neon Wiseman - Myrrh)
Laying (Baby Zemo Arctic Zebra - Laying Down)
Mummi (HOST Halloween Mummi-Lantern)
Mummi (HOST Halloween Mummi-Lantern)
Flocablanca (Movie Poster - Flocablanca)
Batlamb (Movie Poster - Batlamb)
Hole (Ice Fishing Hole)
Rhinoceros (Icesectora - Rhinoceros Beetle)
Rhinoceros (Icesectora - Rhinoceros Beetle)
Lamsa (Movie Poster - Frosted Fleece - Lamsa)
Lamma (Movie Poster - Frosted Fleece - Lamma)
Lamma (Movie Poster - Frosted Fleece - Lamma)
6th (6th Anniversary Teddy Bear) (maybe add 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc, each anniversary since we're already able to say first, second, third, etc?)
Campfire (Campfire Rug)
Pelt (Prehistoric Animal Pelt Wall - Teleporter)
Indirama (Movie Poster - Indirama Jones - Raiders of the Lost Flock)
4th (4th Of July Patriotic Plush Kitty)
Oozy (Spooky Oozy Barrel - Green/Purple)
Dean (Movie Poster - Lamb Dean - Ram without a Cause)
Potter (Movie Poster - Woolly Potter and the Shepherds Stone)
For boys specifically, when entering Inland Ocean Shop (there may be other rooms I'm unaware of) our beard gets removed.
Also, we can't sit on the Yeti sofas.
THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! @VFK_Brizzie @VFK_Enigma @VFK_Mintie
Thanksgiving Fall Sign 2022
If you run 1 Event, and 1 Game Event, you will receive the Christmas Event Planner Pin and Exclusive Event Planner Pajamas!
This is what I have. I would really love an answer about the lounging. I tried various items this morning. Still standing up on beds.