ride support

One of the frustrating things about the supports is know what is locked to what..in other words are they placed right..the actual ride isn't bad cause of ride off and on..but if we could just indicate that the support has been placed where a person wants it..maybe again once support is place in sequence they change ...I know...again with the color, but it would be the easiest way to tell what is what with the supports..used locked piece different from what is being placed, turned etc...with tall rides or rides that twist and turn..roll under things..and over...way better to organize


  • The space ride supports kind of snap to one another? If that helps at all xD
  • I just finished building with them...love and hate them at the same time...but it's the ride part program,  it's a basic blanket program for all rides with tiny tweaks here and there. They have done this for many of the rooms, use the same basic program and tweak here and there, from what I can tell there are about six room programs they use..but then what do I know, I can't build these programs, only use them. 
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