Haunted Bayou
Sorry - complaints coming - look away if you must.
Listen I LOVE the outfits that wee have gotten with the Haunted Bayou membership as far as how pretty they are BUT -- HAUNTED BAYOU they are not, imho.
When I hear the words haunted bayou I think old Louisiana/Southern Voodoo. I think Tia Dalma in Pirates of the Caribbean. I think voodoo dolls and potions.
How about a bottle tree decoration? For those that haven't heard about these here is some info..
People have been creating these trees in Southern states for hundreds of years. However, their history dates back much further. The folklore that surrounds the origin of bottle trees is truly fascinating.
Glass bottles began circulating through Africa, Egypt, and Mesopotamia in 1600 BC. The belief that spirits could live in these bottles quickly followed.
The hope was that by hanging the bottles in a tree, evil spirits would find their way into the wine bottles and become stuck. Since they wouldn't be able to find their way back out again, they would remain in the bottle until morning. The morning sun would then destroy the spirits.
On that note @VFK_Mintie , @VFK_Enigma … can you please sneak something like this little guy - a carry Voodoo doll - into a bundle before they disappear? PLEASE
