Winter & Christmas Suggestion Masterpost!



  • That would be cool!
  • waterfallglow said:

    @Zoee These are great ideas! I can see that staff have added many of them into the game for you too. YAY!! Here are my ideas I have been thinking of below.

    (Idea #1)
    I was wondering if VFK would please make a big mug of hot chocolate we can sit in. Same concept as the gravy boat chair but different. I would love to sit in a mug full of hot chocolate!! I have been drinking one mug of hot chocolate in real about every day now so wanted to incorporate my liking for this sweet drink into the game. Side Note: Not that's it's relevant but.. I am trying to limit my sugar to one mug a day. That is all I am allowing myself. Good thing I can have as much virtual hot chocolate as I want, LOL!! Anyway, if a red and white candy cane could be sticking out of the hot chocolate that would be a nice detail. Also, I am very curious to learn about the history behind how this drink came to be about. So perhaps make it a quest prize with the quest about it's history? Who ever came up with the idea for hot chocolate must of been a genius, hehe. Last detail that I want for the mug is for the mug to be all white but on the front side of it to say.. "I love hot chocolate!" in slanted cursive lettering. I don't really want marshmallows in the hot chocolate either. I like marshmallows but not feeling them as much this year.

    (Idea #2)
    I thought of an idea a few days ago for "Metallic Gift Bow" hats!! Basically, it would be a big metallic gift bow but for on top of the head as a hat. Also, to be specific, I don't mean a small a gift bow in the hair. I mean like an actual hat on top of the head. When we where these hats, it could be like we are the gift to somebody. I am sure @GiftPrincess would agree that dressing up as a gift with a gift bow on her head would be perfect for her! They could come in all kinds of color options. Color options such as (but not limited to..) metallic red, metallic green, metallic silver, metallic gold, metallic white, metallic black, metallic hot pink, metallic light pink, metallic purple, metallic light blue, metallic royal blue, metallic light purple (like lavender), metallic regular purple. I shared a picture below for reference. Normally I would ask that they be scavenger hunt prizes with a different color each scavenger hunt. However, it seems like the the hunt prizes are the lollipops this time (Which I like by the way. They are cute). So if not scavenger hunt prizes then maybe they could be sold in the Christmas shop or even in the Christmas gold stamp catalog? They could be crafted too but it may be short notice to get that together, I don't know. Personally, I think the gold stamp catalog would work but that's me.

    Red Gift Bow
    Welcome back Water... Here's your Hot Chocolate Mug attack!


    ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

    Miss Clue Mysteries Border 2 
    VFK thiefpeasant from enigma 1
    tazzie grinzzzz by moi
    Snazzy beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    surfer and her secrets lol
    G FOR GIFT GIFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Screenshot_1 VFK 000 winter65 VFK GIFTTTTTTTTT's BIRTHDAY VFK shy no shy scaleenigma questions my existence


    Made by @bluewiz
    THANK YOU!  

     santa claus listening to me
    mrs claus lovvvve
    mrs claus 2022 music question
  • Although, I do love the new polar bear membership, I wish we had the option to keep the polar bear as a pet! I wish we were able to get little polar bear cubs that we could progress by feeding them salmon/other fish. They could create an update for the Icetastic section on the map for "polar ice fishing" and that's how we could get the fish for the polar bear cubs to progress! They could open up a different supply shop that sells bait, heavy duty winter clothes, and other supplies needed to "fish". 

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.13.41 PM

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    I also think it would be great if the polar bear cub came with a nice North Pole room with Northern lights. Like this: 

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.14.21 PM

    A big thank you to @purrfect for drawing my wonderful signature!
  • sugarandcoffee said:

    Although, I do love the new polar bear membership, I wish we had the option to keep the polar bear as a pet! I wish we were able to get little polar bear cubs that we could progress by feeding them salmon/other fish. They could create an update for the Icetastic section on the map for "polar ice fishing" and that's how we could get the fish for the polar bear cubs to progress! They could open up a different supply shop that sells bait, heavy duty winter clothes, and other supplies needed to "fish". 

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.13.41 PM

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.21.02 PM
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    I also think it would be great if the polar bear cub came with a nice North Pole room with Northern lights. Like this: 

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.14.21 PM
    Really cute ideas! Speaking of the Polar Bear Membership, i’d love a holdable realistic plush polar bear cub
  • sugarandcoffee said:

    Although, I do love the new polar bear membership, I wish we had the option to keep the polar bear as a pet! I wish we were able to get little polar bear cubs that we could progress by feeding them salmon/other fish. They could create an update for the Icetastic section on the map for "polar ice fishing" and that's how we could get the fish for the polar bear cubs to progress! They could open up a different supply shop that sells bait, heavy duty winter clothes, and other supplies needed to "fish". 

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.13.41 PM

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.21.02 PM
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    I also think it would be great if the polar bear cub came with a nice North Pole room with Northern lights. Like this: 

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.14.21 PM
    Yes! I Agree about the Polar Ice room with northern lights above. I mentioned that on another thread here on Miss Clue the same day the North Pole membership first came out. I also mentioned the room idea to @VFK_Mintie and @VFK_Surfer during the night party. I was thinking the Polar Ice room could be a stable room for our polar bears? With the stalls being snowy ice caves and animated northern lights above in the night sky! With the northern lights being the most important detail that would totally make the room! Hehe. ;)

    waterfallglow signature

    my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^

  • waterfallglow said:

    Yes! I Agree about the Polar Ice room with northern lights above. I mentioned that on another thread here on Miss Clue the same day the North Pole membership first came out. I also mentioned the room idea to @VFK_Mintie and @VFK_Surfer during the night party. I was thinking the Polar Ice room could be a stable room for our polar bears? With the stalls being snowy ice caves and animated northern lights above in the night sky! With the northern lights being the most important detail that would totally make the room! Hehe. ;)
    Yes! I love that idea, I think they should make it a stable for the polar bear and the Christmas pets that they're going to be selling this year in the gold stamps catalog. I would love to even have the option to put my reindeer in the stable. It'd be nice to confine the pets into one room for a winter theme. :) Even having the little artic waters with glaciers floating in the middle and the northern lights cast above!

    A big thank you to @purrfect for drawing my wonderful signature!
  • all of these ideas are great  <:-P <:-P <:-P

  • edited December 2018
    seeing as  idk how to work miss clue right  the post below shows what i'm trying to send @VFK_Mintie @VFK_Vintage
  • ;  - cotton candy hair color also, for won of the hairs, that light blue color.

    w=970&h=582&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format&q=70  -a red hair color

    is what the colors will look like for the polar bear membership bundle
    the rest of the colors i got to find but i know i have to do a dark blue or blue like the blue hair from antique hair from halloween for sky. and a green color for cactus -.- i got to find a orange and a yellow  @VFK_Mintie @VFK_Sky  @VFK_Cactus  @VFK_Enigma  @VFK_Vintage ( ik i have to have ya'll favorite colors in here )  @cute_lina @GiftPrincess @Zoee
  • angelwaterfairy said: ;  - cotton candy hair color also, for won of the hairs, that light blue color.

    w=970&h=582&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format&q=70  -a red hair color

    is what the colors will look like for the polar bear membership bundle
    the rest of the colors i got to find but i know i have to do a dark blue or blue like the blue hair from antique hair from halloween for sky. and a green color for cactus -.- i got to find a orange and a yellow  @VFK_Mintie @VFK_Sky  @VFK_Cactus  @VFK_Enigma  @VFK_Vintage ( ik i have to have ya'll favorite colors in here )  @cute_lina @GiftPrincess @Zoee
    Those are pretty 
  • ;  this won is an icy color seeing as some of the image address i posted didnt work

    and the rest i would love in natural colors i would find a green won later on and post it.
  • edited December 2018 this is a green one here is another cotton candy one since the other link didn't work. 

    also for the guys i would love for them to have the colors to i will have to look for some guys hairstyles though.
  • @angelwaterfairy if you save the photos to your computer and upload them using the little photo icon, it’s much easier to view your suggestions :)
  • edited December 2018
    1bf0dfe1ca76c2628b19bca2566b28f7 frost blue

    Thanks!! @Zoee this is the frost blue color

    9-womens-platinum-and-turquoise- two hair colors the two ombre hair colors

    9bb0865cd4ba78b05dbf2a46e4045a3b this is how the buns in the polar bear membership will look for the buns bundle

    d347d5a9-30e6-4db1-9ded-4d232d99b705 red hair color the one before this is the red hair colorhair-color-ideas-tumblr-92195-hairstyles-tumblr-hair-pinterest-of-hair-color-ideas-tumblr ombre blue ombre bun haircolor 2 - this won

    large zoee hair color Zoee favorite color/ polar bear membership bun bundle hair colortumblr_ohbit54DjB1tpunjbo1_400 dark bluethis is the blue hair color

    evalam_-ice-blue icy color the Icy color for the polar bear membership bun bundles

    all i mention are for the hair colors/hair colors for the polar bear bun membership bundles..  will involve the natural hair colors to

    tumblr_pcm1clVAAi1u7pls0o1_400 a frosty pink color portrait-of-smiling-cute-girl-royalty-free-image-878214682-1539617228 (green hair color the won on the right  the little girl tips) so this little girl hair tips on the right side is the color i want the space buns to be. 

    superthumb cotton candy hair cotton candy haircolor space buns

    original light blue also this tealish/light blue haircolor for the space buns!

    also with the red haircolor i would love that hairstyle as a long hairstyle maybe.

    25144f5685a5785fd2baa0cefaa41602 the left side is like a fiery orange color for the space buns for the polar bear membership bun bundle. also ik i had tag yall like more than once or twice but this is the last one or to i will tag yall. so sorry for the inconvenience @VFK_Sky  @VFK_Cactus @VFK_Mintie @VFK_Enigma @VFK_Surfer @VFK_Vintage  @cute_lina @waterfallglow @giftprincess  
  • edited December 2018
    @angelwaterfairy cute!!

    In addition to the purple and silver glitter, blue with silver top buns! That would be pretty too

  • Those are all really nice
  • MandaBear said:

    @angelwaterfairy cute!!

    In addition to the purple and silver glitter, blue with silver top buns! That would be pretty too
     That would be cute ! 
  • sugarandcoffee said:

    Although, I do love the new polar bear membership, I wish we had the option to keep the polar bear as a pet! I wish we were able to get little polar bear cubs that we could progress by feeding them salmon/other fish. They could create an update for the Icetastic section on the map for "polar ice fishing" and that's how we could get the fish for the polar bear cubs to progress! They could open up a different supply shop that sells bait, heavy duty winter clothes, and other supplies needed to "fish". 

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.13.41 PM

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.21.02 PM
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    I also think it would be great if the polar bear cub came with a nice North Pole room with Northern lights. Like this: 

    Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at 2.14.21 PM
    I love the idea of having a pet polar bear cub and the northern lights with a polar bear room.
  • i think we should have some northern light themes clothing this is a unisex hoodie (for both boys and girls )
  • also atm i'm having trouble posting the rest of the clothing but i know i wanted some joggers (unisex- both for boys and girls) , blankets( clothing and not clothing  maybe on a northern lights bed? or something?) northern lights (tank top, long sleeves, t-shirts- both boys and girls unisex) included with the northern lights set and hair inspired also!
  • @waterfallglow here u go since u didnt see the won up above. also i just have to hope staff will give the hair out with each new polar bear bundle like maybe two or three? buns not sure.. how its going to work. bc ik i want a long hair style with the buns at top also. 
  • also northern light pajamas would be cute!!
  • angelwaterfairy said:

    also northern light pajamas would be cute!!

    Yes that would be cute! :) and also.. the sparkle hair would be nice like i told you in game.. because.. GLITTER GLITTER GLITTER.. TWINKLE TWINKLE TWINKLE!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

    waterfallglow signature

    my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^

  • @angelwaterfairy I love northern lights too because I am Glow and I like glowy things! Glow has to like glowness! Glow likes talking in third person. Glow thinks it's fun! ;)

    waterfallglow signature

    my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^

  • waterfallglow said:

    Yes that would be cute! :) and also.. the sparkle hair would be nice like i told you in game.. because.. GLITTER GLITTER GLITTER.. TWINKLE TWINKLE TWINKLE!! LOL!!!!!!!!!
    lol i guess the  pastel purple space buns hair can have a glitter like feature in it XD but seems like u and manda like the glittery stuff and i have to admit it is pretty XD. also i guess manda will want glitter in blue for the base and the silver space buns. so two glitters XD also yes i remember you like glittery things lol sparkle sparkle
  • jack frost hair guysand the guys hair can look like this but in the colors for what i posted also this color to ^^
  • 27e30ee665469709573267cb0e4680aa


    i was kind of going for a jack frost vibe who became guardian o.o well this is the end i think  for the polar bear memberships with my ideas in the suggestions.
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