Winter & Christmas Suggestion Masterpost!
Hi everyone! At last, I’ve found some time to put together this thread! I’ve had these ideas saved in my notes since August lol, so I’m happy to finally be able to post them.
This thread will include both winter & Christmas ideas, as it’s important to note that we have looooong few winter months after Christmas which seem to drag on forever and ever. I also find those months to be the slower months on VFK because there isn’t really a ton going on, but I think steady releases of awesome items (like recently, VFK has been killing it with the items/releases) it could make this lengthy season a whole lot better!
*Please note: I tried to add spoilers, but they didn't work. Sorry about that!*
Without further ado…
Winter Ideas!
Winter Pins:
Snow Cloud Pin!
I think this is probably my most wanted item on this thread! We get so many Christmas pins every year (which I love) however we barely have any that are strictly winter-themed, and I'd love to see a new MAZE PIN because it's been a while since we've had one. I would LOVE to see Snow Cloud Pin!!!
I imagine this pin as being heavily inspired by the “Snow Cloud Lamp” pictured below:

The pin would be animated (obviously, the snow falling), and very cool-toned (white/grey/periwinkle/icy colours).
Winter Clothing:
HOST Polar Bear Sweater!
PLEASE give us a HOST Polar Bear Sweater to add to our Reindeer/Snowman/Fireplace Collection!!!

PLEASE also give us the Weekend Wear Hoodies I suggested in my Autumn/Halloween Suggestion Masterpost -- I went really in depth on a description there! :D
Winter Crafting:
Fuzzy Socks!
We’ve got striped socks, ankle socks, and leg warmers… but I think winter is the perfect time of year for some Angora Fuzzy Socks!

Plush Pullovers!

Fluffy Robes!

Shearling Slippers!

Shearling Coats!

Also, as previously mentioned in my Autumn thread:
Unbuttoned Flannels!
It would be cool to have unbuttoned flannels under the "Jackets" tab, so that we can wear any shirt underneath it, and it would be nice if they had a looser, more over-sized look. I think it would be great to be able to craft these so that we can make any color we want!
Some craft color examples:

Please also let us have the NEW Crafting colours that I suggested in my Wild West Paisley Bandana thread!!!
Ice Building Set!
I posted this on the Devblog and thought I'd post it here too:
“We get so many gingerbread walls every year for building, but there is also a “Winter” option for the building contest and I’d love a building release that caters to people going for a wintery theme.
The only straight up ice walls we have are very old from the maze, so it would be really nice to have some basic, translucent, shiny:
- Ice Walls
- Ice Blocks
- Ice Roofs
- Ice Arches & Doorways
- Ice Windows
- Ice Pillars
- Ice Stairs
- Etc.
Maybe have these released in Icetastic? It makes sense, and it’s been a while since we’ve had a release there that WASN’T ice coins. (Please, if these are made, release them before ice coins so that they can be used for the contest.)
I think a lot of us would agree that 8 years (give or take) of Gingerbread after Gingerbread gets a bit repetitive, please let us branch out and let our creative juices flow!”
Winter Maze:
I love maze hedges, and it has been a while since we’ve had any. I’d love some hedges with snow on top:

Christmas Hedges with Christmas lights along with snow on top would also be really cute!
Christmas Ideas!
Christmas Pins:
I came up with a design for a Flying Santa Pin! It’s pretty much a Christmas version of the Flying Witch Pin, where Santa and his reindeer fly through the sky:

This is a really rough mock up and I know VFK staff could do a much better job with the idea lol..
Christmas Clothing:
Velvet dresses and hairbands for Christmas Ballgowns!
It would be really nice to see revamped versions of the original hairbands (smaller bow, centered) in a velvet version.

Chenille Sweaters!
I don’t really know what a chenille sweater is besides the fact that the material is a little shiny in some lighting. Some examples:

Christmas Onesies! (potentially craftable?)

Christmas Antiques:
Regardless of what the Christmas antique hair looks like this year, I’d love to see additional colours added. For example, we have “Icy Blue” hair, but “Icy Purple” and “Icy Pink” hairs would be so fitting for winter! (plz give us Icy Purple plz!!)
Here are some Christmas Antique hairstyle ideas:

Christmas Presents:
Girls wear two-piece pajama sets to!!!! Enough night gowns!!!! I’d love to see some silky/satiny pajamas sets for girls in the Christmas presents this year!
I’d especially love to see a pair of Cloudy Pajamas in a light periwinkle blue colour included as well!!!

Christmas Furni/Decorations:
Trees completely wrapped with lights!

Optic Fibre Christmas trees!

Rotating Christmas trees!

Gingerbread Contest Medal/Trophy:
I have brainstormed several ideas for potential Gingerbread Contest medals/trophies, all of which I love!
Ice Skate! (probably my favourite)



Beanie! (or should I say, "Winter Ski Hat - Pom Pom - White ;) )

Mrs. Claus Teacup!

Thanks for reading! :) If you have any ideas/suggestions you'd like to share, don't hesitate to leave them in the replies. Happy Holidays!
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
Here's a real life example of the hat… not copyrighted.. simply a blue hat :P.
I agree! a hat to match would be perfect!
the ideas that are especially close to my heart are the new hairstyles and the new ice hair colors and
the fully wrapped lighted CHRISTMAS TREES and OPTIC FIBRE CHRISTMAS TREES! they are so pretty! but they have to use the new heavily saturated led colors they have in the pictures!
love the animated santa pin and the onesie is so cute! love the satin pjs!
and Congrats! on the sweater! and the hedges (I love them!)
(Idea #1)
I was wondering if VFK would please make a big mug of hot chocolate we can sit in. Same concept as the gravy boat chair but different. I would love to sit in a mug full of hot chocolate!! I have been drinking one mug of hot chocolate in real about every day now so wanted to incorporate my liking for this sweet drink into the game. Side Note: Not that's it's relevant but.. I am trying to limit my sugar to one mug a day. That is all I am allowing myself. Good thing I can have as much virtual hot chocolate as I want, LOL!! Anyway, if a red and white candy cane could be sticking out of the hot chocolate that would be a nice detail. Also, I am very curious to learn about the history behind how this drink came to be about. So perhaps make it a quest prize with the quest about it's history? Who ever came up with the idea for hot chocolate must of been a genius, hehe. Last detail that I want for the mug is for the mug to be all white but on the front side of it to say.. "I love hot chocolate!" in slanted cursive lettering. I don't really want marshmallows in the hot chocolate either. I like marshmallows but not feeling them as much this year.
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^