Pumpkin Patch instrumental song

Hello everyone!

I've recently popped back into VFK lately and I took a turn around the Pumpkin Patch and absolutely fell in love with the song that they have playing there. I was wondering if anyone knew what song it was? I've tried with Shazam and it seems like it can't keep up with the track very well, so I'm hoping here someone might know it?

Thank you!
A - ala - watchful alertness
L - lokahi - working with unity
O - oia'i'o - truthful honesty
H - ha'aha'a - humility
A - ahonui - patient perserverance

"My philosophy is: It's none of my business what other people say of me and think of me. I am what I am and I do what I do. I expect nothing and accept everything. And it makes life so much easier." - Anthony Hopkins

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  • It is most likely production music, which is music created specifically for licensing to use in tv, movies, games etc. There are several production music libraries online which are searchable and some of them also list music by "mood" or "theme." I wish you luck in your search. I agree, it's a cool piece.
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