Halloween Competition
Halloween Competition has rolled around this year and I'm kind of panicking because now that I had a taste of what it's like to place, like I did for sandcastle, I'm determined to attempt to place in this competition too. I really, really want a medal and the trophies, mostly cause it's Halloween themed and I love Halloween. I know the competition will be challenging because more people enter for Halloween entries and are a lot more competitive. Problem is, I don't have a lot of ideas or inspiration. I'm thinking of doing a Nightmare before Christmas inspired theme but I'm nervous because I don't know if I'll do it justice or if someone will steal my idea now that I'm posting it, and do it better. Or that this is an overrated idea and I should scrap it? What do you guys think? Please, if you're willing to share, post pictures of your previous Halloween entries to give me inspiration or ideas. I won't steal your ideas, because that's horrible and unoriginal.
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^
How about a ghostly graveyard with ghosts that rise up around the room as you ride a mini track?! Or maybe a haunted house with all the different compartments of it visible!
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^
Anyway! Good luck all!