Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 5, Part 7
Scene: After walking, the children arrive in front of Harry Pierce's lab...
John: We made it!
Alice: Whoa... It's huge!
John: -Snaps a picture of building-
Martha: Come on, we can't waste any time! -Tries to enter the lab, but the door is locked- Oh.
Alice: ...I guess we should have thought this over.
Lucy: Good! We can't get in, so I'm out of here. Cya!
Martha: Don't even think about it Lucy.
Lucy: Ugh!
John: Look up! I see an open window! -Points-
Martha: Well, then I guess we'll have to climb...
Lucy: No way! I am NOT climbing!
Martha: Fine, then stay here alone... In the dark... Full of scary things... BOO!
Lucy: Fine! -Mumbles-
(Carefully and slowly, the children begin climbing the building until they reach the open window.)
Scene: Inside the lab...
Alice: I have to admit, I didn't expect Harry Pierce's lab to look like this...
John: Yeah, why is it filled with different medicines and vaccines?
Martha: Odd, very odd. -Is examining the different medicines-
Lucy: I don't know why we're poking around in this poor man's business.
Alice: If you remembered, you would understand. -Joins in with Martha in examining the medicine-
Lucy: -Rolls eyes-
John: Hey, remember when Harry Pierce was on TV that morning?
Martha: Yeah, what about it?
John: He said that in Birch Island, he would do something that everyone would be grateful for... What if he was talking about the virus?
Alice: Then that would explain all of these expensive medicines!
Martha: That would make sense... But why would he suddenly care about others? And how could he work on cures for a virus in prison?
John: I don't know, but it's the only explanation I could come up with.
(They hear footsteps.)
Alice: We aren't here alone, someone's coming!
Lucy: Great, just great! We're going to get in so much trouble!
(The footsteps get louder.)
Martha: No we won't! Quick, everyone hide!
(Martha and John hide behind shelves, Lucy hides behind the door, and Alice hides under a table with a dusty table cloth over it.)
(Harry Pierce enters the room and turns on the light...)
Harry Pierce: -Looks around in his room full of medicine, vaccines, and medical books- Just wait until everyone is cured... I could end up becoming the richest man in the world!
Harry Pierce: -Grabs a medical book and a vaccination- Now, to continue my work...
Martha: (Whispering to John) Continue? Didn't he just start?
John: (Whispering) I thought he did, keep listening!
Harry Pierce: -Flips through pages of the book- Aha, here it is!
Martha: (Still whispering) Here WHAT is?
John: (Whispering) I don't know, keep listening!
Alice: (Thinking) I have to be able to hear him better... -She sticks her ear out of the table, but accidentally hits part of the wood- Oh, shoot!
Harry Pierce: Who's in here?? -Stands up-
Harry Pierce: Whoever it is, you're not escaping! -He closes the door Lucy is hiding behind-
Harry Pierce: -Grins- Well well, look who we have here... An old friend!
(Lucy looks at Harry Pierce deep into his eyes, and then all of the sudden...)
(Lucy: Martha Rose Darcy! What are you doing??)
(Martha: If anyone is going to get my cousin in trouble, it's going to be me!)
(Alice: I'm Alice, and this is my best friend John!)
(Martha: I'm going to save Alice from that dog! Lucy, stay here!)
(Benjamin: I'm Benjamin, nice to meet you two!)
(Lucy: If the T.A.G has captured Martha, then we have to save her! Come on Spot!)
(Grace: Run kids! I'll hold the guards off!)
(Edward: We may have lost, but you four aren't leaving without a price!)
Lucy: I... I remember!
Harry Pierce: What?
Stay tuned for Season 5, Part 8!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!