Life of a Middle School Kid - Part 5
I get woken up which means it's time for school! I'm actually kind of happy to go today and I'm not going to attemp to stay home as I try to alot. I'm going to go everyday cause Drake will probably ask me to the dance soon as it is in a month. Did I say that it was a end of school dance? School ends in a month and the dance is on the last day of school. I'm going to miss my friends but I'm going to be at the same school next year so they will only be gone for 2 months unless I run into them at the mall or something or I might invite them over to my house too. Anyways I get ready for school and I get dropped off. I go inside and the bell rings and its math time. I was about to ask Alice for more details but right now was not a good time so I plan to ask at lunch. I get my math stuff and work until it's recess. During recess I see Drake. He didn't notice me and I can't wait until he asks me to the dance! I got this feeling that this is all a prank. The bell rings and its Science so I get my Science stuff and go into class. These guys in my class were being funny during class and to be honest it was actually kind of funny but Mrs Woods was telling them to stop. It's finally lunch and I ask Alice if she knew when Drake was going ask. And she said he didn't say when. I guess I just have to wait and see. It's now time to go home and my mom and Sara and me go to the table for dinner. Sara says "Guess what?! I have a crush on somebody mom! His name is Bill!" She says sounding excited. "Thats cool Sara" I said. "Ooh Sara has a crush!!" My mom said. Looks like my mom doesn't mind us having crushes. Maybe should I mention Drake? But if I mention him asking me to the dance my mom might not let me go. "Do you have any crushes?" Sara asked me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to say anything. "No." I said hoping it didn't sound like I was lying and nothing will go wrong. "By the way you were saying that your lying. You do have a crush don't you?!" Sara said. I tried to deny it but it wasn't working. I don't think there was much more I can do. I was about to tell about Drake and the dance. I hope my mom will still let me go to the dance with Drake if I actually get asked. I'm kind of scared to hear the reactions to what I'm about to say.
To be continued...
Stay tuned for part 6 but I feel like I'm going to fast at releasing the episodes so I'm going to slow down a bit!
To be continued...
Stay tuned for part 6 but I feel like I'm going to fast at releasing the episodes so I'm going to slow down a bit!

"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥