Recent Activity

  • Has anyone gotten this week's halloween bundle yet?
    February 2018
    • iStella
      I got mine! Have you asked staff about it?
  • SkyLamb
    OMG  Llama you have your title back!!  You just were the same when you were dahlia!  Welcome back!!
    February 2018
    • Purplellama
      Thank you :D I had my title changed back because everyone kept calling me Llama! I have branded this title well, I suppose lol.
  • You know what isn't surprising? That my school tried to cover its tracks and convince everyone it was just a prank. The police are too! Look, they found the plans with yesterday's date written on it. Which was written over a month ago. The kid literally knew how to make a bomb and so it turns out, they're lying about the fact that it was some lone kid. One of them who was closely related to the incident told us there were at least three or four others involved yet they only have one? What about the others? Sure they didn't do anything today but why would they? Of course, they're going to wait a while before even thinking about trying again. Just because they're missing their so-called 'leader' doesn't mean they'll back down. Oh, and you know what else? It wasn't just high school. One of them was an eighth grader. I am aware that small towns love to spread rumors but it's almost always based on the truth. So when they say 3 or 4 there was at least one other person involved. And you know what's worse? People outside of our area are calling us liars because of the timing. Police, step up and actually inform the people. Including the parents.

    No, the parents were never told about this until their kids came home from school yesterday and told them about it. They didn't want to worry us on what they believed was a 'prank' or a 'joke'. That news story isn't the least bit accurate and it makes me so mad. We were there. We heard it with our own ears. One of the kids (whom I mentioned as Kellin I think) told me the entire story. Everything he knew about it while he was at the police station- because he got dragged into it- and I'm literally so frustrated. So SO frustrated. We're fine now, yes, or so you better hope because if this becomes a problem after you guys failed to deal with it then it's going to be a lot messier than what you wanted and this time you won't be able to cover it up. People in this town may hate each other but a tragedy like this would bring everyone under the sun that owns a firearm up to the school to matters into their own hands. You can't stop the country boys. 

    We shouldn't be basing this on what ifs, I realize but honestly, what if?
    February 2018
    • PinkyB
      Oh my gosh. o.o That sounds horrible, and quite concerning as well... I pray that everything will turn out okay.
    • froggiepower
      Thank you and I hope so too, sigh. At least we made the news... I guess?
  • I'm sorry for my rant yesterday if anyone read it. At my school parents wouldn't let their kids go today so I'm in an almost empty classroom. So much tension in the air.
    February 2018
  • Happy Valentine's day :)
    February 2018
  • why cant summer just be here already
    February 2018
  • Aceboy_Alex
    Just letting you know I responded to your post on my thread. Let me know!

    February 2018
  • Raubtier
    hey do u need girls tebow jersey?
    February 2018
  • iStella
    Gift I saw your new signature!  I totally love that movie! 
    February 2018
    • GIFT
      A girl after my own heart. I adore that movie! A divine period piece movie.
    • Purplellama
      I love that movie too! The Young Victoria is what I watch just about every night as I go to bed! I love Emily Blunt so much. I could watch that movie every day. :)
    • GIFT
      Wow Llama! I watch it every now and then. Truly a classic and won't get tired of it. :)
  • My flowers are starting to bloom spring is coming! :)
    February 2018
  • Morning!
    February 2018
  • My husband brought Espresso ice cream home today, it was soo good!
    February 2018
    • EleanorRose
      Oh my gosh that sounds delicious. :)
  • 1 week until Valentine's Day loves <3
    February 2018
  • ahhh I'm so cold, I wish I had a cup of warm hotchocolate at this moment <3
    February 2018
    • EleanorRose
      Hot chocolate is the best when it is cold! :)
  • As of next week I will only have one more month to go until my twenty-fourth birthday.
    February 2018
    • SparkleDream
      have fun! happy early birthday!
    • EleanorRose
      oh nice but be careful.. I think saying ages and stuff is against game rules :)
  • Completely Completed Crafting Sets


    -Easter Bunny Hood&Capes

    February 2018
    • Munchykin
      Completed Earmuffs&Wool Striped Sweater
    • Munchykin
      Completed Camping boots
    • Munchykin
      Completed Angora Hats&Coats
    • Munchykin
      Completed Pony Riding Girl Outfits
    • Munchykin
      Completed Halloween Costumes [ Princess Sunflower & Princess Starlina ]
    • Munchykin
      Completed Ice Hockey & Goalie Outfits
  • think pink
    February 2018
  • what did everyone have for breakfast? i had eggs and toast
    February 2018
    • Tegdirb
      Toast with Peanut Butter:)
      But usually half the time, I have eggs and toast as well!:)
    • Holly
      I had toast with strawberry jam yum!
    • EleanorRose
      I had waffles
  • Itz_Chocolate_Queen
    chalk do you still need the ice coin jersey?
    February 2018
  • i just ate a bowl of potato chips
    February 2018
    • iStella
      I just got a bowl of popcorn! SNACK TIME!! :D
    • MiniLuna
      That reminds me I'm hungry XD I think I'm gonna get me a yogurt
    • AwesomeX
      can you guys get me something too while you're at it
    • Holly
      Mmm lol
  • iStella
    Thanks you so much for the signature complement MandaBear!  Jessizoid made it for me!
    February 2018
  • Raubtier
    hey ok deal with time lord for tebow jersey i just need to see u
    January 2018
    January 2018
  • I am at the castle gates

    January 2018
  • I.Am.Chalk
    Hey I can meet at castle gates
    January 2018
  • Happy Sunday Y'all! :)
    January 2018
  • What would you value a crafted wizard costume at?
    January 2018
    • I.Am.Chalk
      Oh man I have no idea... I see people looking for them all the time but barely anyone trading them.. Maybe an ice each?
  • Hello everybody! :) How has your new year been?!!
    January 2018
  • MandaBear
    Welcome back Munchy :)
    January 2018
    • Munchykin
      Thank you love!
      hugs hugs
  • omg omg hi hi
    January 2018