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  • AYYEEEE cake, I see me in your default. I feel truly honored. :'D
    February 2019
  • Hello! Cake! It is me! One of Coco's friends who she's now probably going to deny that she even knows me! Either that or she'll tell you to run!
    February 2019
    • Caffe
      I don’t know this weirdo, I’d advice you to make a run for it. ;D
    • icecreamsunday
      Lol you guys are way too much!!
    • HBforever
      Aw thank you! I take that as a compliment! :D
    • Caffe
      Forever must be contained!
    • HBforever
      Yes.. In fact.. I'm going to find a glass container in game to contain me..
    • HBforever
      Nevermind... couldn't find one. The world just has to deal with me. I am toddler x 2. xD
    • Caffe
      You're worse than any toddler I know, the spawn of satan. xD
    • HBforever
      @sugarandcoffee my two little sisters are worse than the spawn of satan, so what would you call them?
    • Caffe
      The sister that I met was nice to me, so I would call her an angel. :D
    • HBforever
      Trust me, she can be a little devil. But I am the Queen.
    • Caffe
      I don't think anyone is worse than Cake or you, tbh. That's what makes you guys special, that's why you must stand 50ft away while handling you two. ;D
    • HBforever
      True, true. I'm sure a true serial killer is worse than us. Not by much, but still.