
Sandcastle contest in a few days! Who's excited?! I'm gonna be entering this time! The last sand castle contest I entered was 2014 :O


Last Active


  • Hm I sent a new avatar in about a day ago and it's still not approved.. should I send it in again or wait or was it declined? On the side of my avatar is says it's still pending approval though.
    March 2016
  • I'm role playing with my clone right now and its midnight lol!
    March 2016
  • Good luck everyone in @Lilacsdaises springtime raffle!! :D
    March 2016
  • I made a new post about ideas for stuff I might do in VFK!
    March 2016
  • At the VFK Oscars! Good luck to everyone who got nominated!! So excited WOOT!!! :D
    March 2016
  • CandyCars
    Hey! If you are online now the OSCARS are seating! :D
    March 2016
  • WOOT I beat crossword and won the outfit!!!
    February 2016
  • I love all your profile pic's !
    February 2016
  • I've sent another avatar! I spent a bit trying to find another one so I just chose tgis one for now. Got to wait for its approval now!
    February 2016
  • How was everyone's day?! :D
    February 2016
  • Aww its gonna rain today..
    February 2016
  • I sent in yet again another avatar! It's a bit spring like and it includes one of my favourite Mario characters that is not Rosalina!
    February 2016
  • Woot I won the hunt and I didn't even use the clone! :D
    February 2016
    • iStella
      Yeah! Congrats!
  • I'm bringing one clone for the host hunt.. I never bring clones on hunt cause I find them kind of cheating when people have already won the hunt and just want more prizes but I'm only bringing mine for the blue version of the prize of the magic and possibly might trade it!
    February 2016
  • I forgot to say Happy Valentines Day!
    February 2016
  • Why am I getting nofications for someone else's post? I just posted about it with a picture!
    February 2016
    • MistyMew
      Hey Super_Princess_Rosalina! I posted on your discussion!
  • I just made a happy birthday post to somebody!!!
    February 2016
  • I just spend a LONG time writing my history of VFK on my discussion! It ended up pretty long so feel free to read it all if you can!
    February 2016
    • MiniLuna
      cool! I'll go read it right now!
    • MiniLuna
      i read it! it was a great history! :)
  • Princess_Tropic
    cute cute cute avatar pic!!!!!!!
    February 2016
  • Yet again I sent in another avatar! I sent in a Sping like one since Spring is on its way! :D
    February 2016
    • SkyLamb
      OMG I Love it Princess!
  • GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!!
    February 2016
  • In Deal or No Deal right now! Its so fun watching!!
    February 2016
  • Hosting a Cute or Boot! Its going great!
    February 2016
  • Ok I LOVE the new Man Cave room! Now I can't decide if I like it better than 2014! Good job VFK!! :D
    February 2016
    • ColourzRnice
      are you in it now super? I could come over and see!
    • PinkyB
      I love it too! Very modern and pretty!
  • I won a jersey at Football Frenzy!! Also Man Cave comes out tonight! I hope its going to be a awesome room! What do you guys hope it will be? I kind of hope it will be like 2014's Man Cave that retired! Not exactly like it as I got the room in a trade but I hope not something like the prehistoric one.. I'm also going to be doing Cute or Boot every weekend! If I'm online! So I might open one tomorrow!
    February 2016
    • SparkleDream
      wow congrats rosalina! i won too!! I won an orange cowboy hat, and the red jersey. and YA i can't wait to see the Man Cave tonight :D I'll post a pic when I buy it!!!
    • Super_Princess_Rosalina
      One hour left until it comes!
  • How is everyone?! :D
    February 2016
  • Hosting a Cute or Boot! Again someone is trolling and its going a bit downhill.
    January 2016
  • I started a Who Wore it Best and it went out of control so I let someone host cause I had to go and when I come back I'm gonna check to see whats happened. I wonder how its going. o.o
    January 2016
  • Made a When is your birthday post so feel free to post on it if you want!
    January 2016
  • CandyCars
    Sorry just now got your IM. Sent you a reply in-game! :D
    January 2016