
It's my birthday!


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  • Two more days until my birthday.
    March 2018
    • iStella
    • EleanorRose
      We must be birthday twins haha! Happy early Birthday! :)
  • As for next week's halloween bundle I will be thinking it as an early birthday present. BTW I love the new land/fairy outfit I needed a new crown.
    March 2018
    • iStella
      Happy early Birthday!!!
  • Ten more days until my birthday I can't wait.
    March 2018
  • It is now officially two weeks until my birthday.
    February 2018
  • Has anyone gotten this week's halloween bundle yet?
    February 2018
    • iStella
      I got mine! Have you asked staff about it?
  • As of next week I will only have one more month to go until my twenty-fourth birthday.
    February 2018
    • SparkleDream
      have fun! happy early birthday!
    • EleanorRose
      oh nice but be careful.. I think saying ages and stuff is against game rules :)
  • I'm back at college for the spring semester.
    January 2018
    • Itz_Chocolate_Queen
      i will add you but we were not friends lol! :)
      if that is ok?
  • Guys I think I might be a little late to the ball but I promise I will get there as soon as I can.
    December 2017
  • Guess who just got a new shih-tzu puppy today?
    December 2017
  • Did anyone receive this week's halloween bundle yet?
    December 2017
    • Holly
      They were just released! :Da
    • Purplellama
      VFK was so late LOL.
  • Has anyone gotten this week's christmas bundle yet?
    December 2017
  • The new christmas record player and the new christmas records are late.
    December 2017
  • One more day then I can trade a cold dorm room for my nice warm bedroom at home, at least there I know that the heat always works because dad knows what happens when it doesn't mom and I start to complain until he gets it fixed.
    December 2017
  • Been writing papers non-stop for days. I really need a vacation.
    November 2017
  • Loved the costumes from earlier. But the gold stamp costume to me is like seriously I wouldn't wear it even if anyone offered to pay me.
    October 2017
  • I saw the new costumes in the Halloween shop and I LOVE them.
    October 2017
    • Tegdirb
      And there are even more coming out tonight...including a VIP one!:)
  • Now its here
    October 2017
  • This week's bundle was suppose to be in half an hour ago.
    October 2017
    • Holly
      Just have to be patient with it from week to week. Staff are always VERY busy this time of year and do the best they can to keep everything on track. Slight delays are expected but we will get the bundles at some point in the day. :D
  • Where is this week's bundle?
    October 2017
  • Where is the first bundle?
    October 2017
    • VFK_Mintie
      Hi Rhodopis,

      we checked and you have your bundle! Wait one moment and I'll send you another pop up about it! :)
  • I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to decide to get either only one of the new memberships or all three because I have to wait and see if my parents got everything straightened out when it comes to the check I get from my dad's retirement fund which allows me to pay for everything I need while I am at school so I can focus on my studies, because I don't have the time to get a part-time job. If this month's check comes in tomorrow morning then that everything has finally been straightened out but if not then it means I have to decide on which one to get. Apparently this is what happens when you are on disability and have to rely on benefits and what happens when you move to a new state and the people who manage your bank account info are completely incompetent, especially when they mix up your bank info up with your brother's and put your check into his account twice.
    October 2017
    • Rhodopis
      Ok if they put my check into my brother's account again or it won't be in until tomorrow I will have to extend my decision by another day.
    • Rhodopis
      Alright it looks like until I clear things up with social security on thursday, since after class tomorrow I will be going home for fall break, I am only getting one of the memberships.
  • ok guys starting tomorrow I won't be on as much or as long as I have been because my classes start in the morning. Like I said I am going to try to make it to some of the events over the fall but my studies do take up a lot of my time so I don't know what will happen alright.
    August 2017
  • ok guys although I will be at the encore for the midsummer masquerade ball I will be afk until 3:30 or so cause I have to get to a meeting by three. Just wanted to give you guys the head's up.
    August 2017
  • Hey guys I am so sorry I wasn't able to get on in time for the first night of the ball (or at all yesterday if fact) apparently moving into my dorm took a lot longer than my dad thought it would take. I will be logging on to vfk in a bit to pick up my favor and do some shopping but that is it because I am starving and its late and I am very tired from going all over the place today.
    August 2017
  • hey guys sorry I haven't been active the past few days and mystery-red and ryknow I am sorry I missed your birthday parties (yes silver did invite me) but I have been pretty busy getting things ready and packing up some of my things since I am going back to college on thursday. So on thursday I won't be on vfk until probably late since I will be spending all that day moving in to my dorm room but none the less I will be fully moved in by friday afternoon and I will be able to come to the midsummer masquerade ball this weekend.
    August 2017
    • SportyChic
      Glad you'll be here for the ball. Moving into your dorm is such a struggle!
    • iStella
      Wow, moving is always way exciting! We'll make sure to save a few Mid-Summer dresses for you ;)
    • Rhodopis
      Thanks guys and yeah moving into a dorm is a struggle because a lot of other people are moving in at the same time and it means waiting forever for the elevator. But for me the only thing that gets on my nerves and my stress levels go up is whenever my mom calls me during the semester especially when I am extremely busy studying for a test or trying to think up something to write about for a paper. Plus there are times when she calls me three times a week even when I am out with my friends trying to blow off steam and get some fresh air trust me it gets really annoying.
  • By looking on the vfk calendar it looks like I will be able to go to the midsummer masquerade ball since it is on the weekend before my classes start and I will already be settled in at my dorm. Also if Mintie is on when I saw the vfk news you got tomorrow's date wrong because today is August 1st which means tomorrow will be August 2nd not the third.
    August 2017
  • Hey I just realized something. My account here on vfk is one year old today. Because I joined on July 5th 2016 and today is July 5th 2017.
    July 2017
    • PinkyB
      Happy one year Anniversary! ^-^
    • EleanorRose
      Oh cool.. I have had a account for a few years now but I didn't play full time until just over a year ago now.. :)
  • Come on guys please help me get high marks in the garden competition I worked really hard on my garden.
    June 2017
    • EleanorRose
      Well I am not even on the list so just be glad youre where you are on the list:)
  • I'm looking for hedges in any color and swan topiary forms. I can offer anything you need or we can do credits.
    June 2017
  • Guys I don't know when I am going to be able to log on to vfk in order to go to the father's day ball tonight. My mom is babysitting my niece and nephew while my oldest brother and his wife are out and they will be coming over for dinner. My other brother went kayaking with our aunt, our mother's sister, and our cousins this morning and won't be back until dinner and my uncle, my aunt's husband, is out of town on business so I got dog-sitting their westie and she craves a lot of attention. As much as I love her I can't wait to see my aunt and my cousins when they get back.
    June 2017
    • Rhodopis
      Sorry meant to say I got stuck dog-sitting. Yeah you really need to keep an eye on her because she may need to go out. Also as much as I love my niece and nephew like crazy they can be a handful sometimes.
    • Rhodopis
      On my way to get the new outfits and get to the ball now. My aunt just left with her sons, her eldest son's girlfriend of ten years (I am still waiting for him to propose to her), her second son's wife (they got married back in April of last year), her step-daughter, and their dog. I just got away from everyone and I will be there as soon as I can.